The gospel is…the word about Jesus Christ and what he did for us in order to restore us to a right relationship with God. – Graeme Goldsworthy

Friday, May 31, 2013

My New Favorite Worship Song

The power of music sung loudly in the midst of a gospel-centered congregation is a taste of heaven. Regarding music, Martin Luther was quoted as saying the following:

“I have no use for cranks who despise music, because it is a gift of God. Music drives away the Devil and makes people [happy]; they forget thereby all wrath, unchastity, arrogance, and the like. Next after theology I give to music the highest place and greatest honor. I would not exchange what little I know of music for something great. Experience proves that next to the Word of God only music deserves to be extolled as the mistress and governess of the feelings of the human heart. We know that to the devils music is distasteful and insufferable. My heart bubbles up and overflows in response to music, which has so often refreshed me and delivered me from dire plagues.” – quoted in Here I Stand: A Life of Martin Luther by Roland H. Bainton (351-52), emphasis mine

I resonate with the words of the great Reformer wholeheartedly – and I’m confident that my favorite worship song of late would receive his full blessing and enthusiastic recommendation. There are certain songs that come along every decade or so that are absolutely epic, capturing the heart of the gospel, the realities of our painful sojourn on this earth, and the hope that Christ is the immoveable rock of our pilgrimage to the New Jerusalem. Cornerstone is such a song. Written in the midst of tragedy – as many epic hymns and choruses have been throughout church history – this song will lift the eyes of your heart to the God of our salvation. It will cause you to want to weep for joy and sprint into Jesus’ presence – for only there is comfort, strength, and victory.

Take a moment and worship with me to Cornerstone – a song new3c has begun to sing and find joyful solace in lately as a congregation. Let it fortify your own soul today in Christ alone. May it cause your soul to be gripped by the gospel.

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