During a great and
encouraging conversation recently with my wife, Rachel, she said something
about marriage that jumped out at me. In the flow of our dialogue, she said – almost
anecdotally – three words that my ears heard with bold italics: the last battleground. When I asked her
what she meant by that, she said, “It’s easier to humble yourself before God
and others outside your home than it is before your spouse. That’s why marriage
is the last battleground of humility.” So true.
Whether you get along
naturally in your marriage, or it's a lot of work – or you’re somewhere in between those
two extremes – you’ve come to see that marriage is the most vulnerable of all
human relationships. As a godly older man recently told me, in his younger days
he used to think that being “one flesh” referred exclusively to the sexual
relationship in marriage. Over time he’s come to see it means more than just
that. We both agreed by laughing together about this insight. No further theoretical pontification about the topic was necessary.
To be married is to be
vulnerable. To be in a marriage – a healthy one – is to continually make
yourself vulnerable. We stand “naked” before our spouse emotionally, mentally,
habitually, attitudinally, vocationally, socially, and spiritually. And if
humility – the humility of Christ – is not the chief ingredient of the recipe
of your life as man and wife, the aroma of your home won’t smell pleasant. If consistent and true confession and repentance are
not the practical harmony of your marriage, the daily melody will always feel
“off.” If the gospel of grace you shout “Amen!” to at church and read about and receive
in your “quiet time” is not being extended to your spouse, walls will inevitably form and sinful hiddenness (=
pride and guilt) will become the default and defining nature of your matrimony.
This is why we need the Holy Spirit daily challenging us in and through His
Word. And this is why we need – and must have – people in our local church who are agents of the Spirit, challenging us
to live what we know in that Word. Lives and marriages survive – even thrive! –
only when they are regularly connecting with other believers in our community
of faith who are pursuing Jesus daily. Such are the practical implications of
marriages and lives that are passionately gripped by the gospel.
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