Yesterday I quoted D.A.
Carson’s concern – two decades ago – that Western Christianity’s most urgent
need is to know God. Today I pick up the quote a couple sentences later, as
Carson grounds this concern by highlighting where it is that we have chiefly gone
astray from our pursuit of God as a Church.
One of the foundational steps in knowing God, and one of the
basic demonstrations that we do know God, is prayer – spiritual, persistent,
biblically minded prayer. Writing a century and a half ago, Robert Murray
M’Cheyne declared, ‘What a man is alone on his knees before God, that he is,
and no more.’ But we have ignored this truism. We have learned to organize,
build institutions, publish books, insert ourselves into the media, develop
evangelistic strategies, and administer discipleship programs, but have
forgotten how to pray.
Most pastors testify to the decline in personal, family, and
corporate prayer across the nation. Even the recently organized ‘concerts of
prayer’ are fairly discouraging from an historical perspective: some of them,
at least, are so blatantly manipulative that they are light-years away from
prayer meetings in parts of the world that have tasted a breath of heaven-sent
revival. Moreover, it is far from clear that they are changing the prayer
habits of our churches, or the private discipline of significant numbers of
But we may probe more deeply. Where is our delight in
praying? Where is our sense that we are meeting with the living God, that we
are doing business with God, that we are interceding with genuine unction
before the throne of grace? When was the last time we came away from a period
of intercession feeling that, like Jacob or Moses, we had prevailed with God?
How much of our praying is largely formulaic, liberally larded with clichés
that remind us, uncomfortably, of the hypocrites Jesus excoriated?
I do not write these things to manipulate you or to be
engendering guilty feelings. But what shall we do? Have not many of us tried at one point or another to improve our
praying, and floundering so badly that we are more discouraged than we ever
were? Do you not sense, with me, the severity of the problem? Granted that most
of us know some individuals who are remarkable prayer warriors, is it not
nevertheless true that by and large we are better at organizing than agonizing?
Better at administering than interceding? Better at fellowship than fasting? Better
at entertaining that worship? Better at theological articulation than spiritual
adoration? Better – God help us! – at preaching than at praying?
What is wrong? Is not this sad state of affairs some sort of
index of our knowledge of God? Shall we not agree with J.I. Packer when he
writes, ‘I believe that prayer is that measure of the man, spiritually, in a
way that nothing else is, so that how we pray is as important a question as we
can ever face’? Can we profitably meet the other challenges that confront the
Western church if prayer is ignored as much as it has been? – D.A. Carson, A Call to Spiritual Reformation: Priorities from Paul and His Prayers, pp. 16-17
“Men of God are sure to be men of prayer.” –
Charles Spurgeon
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