I believe we see so few
conversions in our churches today because there’s so little of the power of God
in our lives and congregations. As I reflect on the first eleven chapters of
the book of Acts – which I’ve preached through in the last year – I’m struck by
the providential power of the Holy Spirit in the conversion stories
Dr. Luke relates. Whether it’s one individual or a massive crowd, the Holy
Spirit moved both tangibly and circumstantially in such a way that men, women,
boys and girls were converted in the first century. The need for such power is
just as vital in our own century if we are to see conversions. But while we
know the Spirit’s power is needed in our evangelism of adults, we often forget
that same power is just as essential for children to repent and believe that
Jesus is the only way to be eternally washed from the guilt of sin and
reconciled to God.
Let the profound and
prophetic conclusion to this story give you new eyes this summer for those
neighborhood kids that God has brought to your backyard, the children playing
little league alongside your own youngsters, and the year-round mission field
found in the children’s ministry at your local church.
And now, for the amazing
conclusion to this week’s story from Gripped
by the Gospel…
Just before
Knill left, all the family gathered together for morning prayers. Then, in the
presence of them all, Knill took little Charles on his knee and said, “This
child will one day preach the Gospel, and he will preach it to great
multitudes. I’m persuaded that he will preach in the chapel of Rowland Hill
where I am now the minister.” Spurgeon later wrote, “Knill spoke very solemnly
and profoundly this prophetic word. He called all those who were there to
witness to what he said.” Then he gave little Charles a sixpence as a reward if
he would learn the hymn, “God Moves in Mysterious Ways, His Wonders to
Perform.” Knill made Charles promise that when he preached in Rowland Hill’s Chapel,
that hymn would be sung. The prophecy powerfully moved Spurgeon…
Sometime after
Charles became pastor of the New Park Street Baptist Church in London, Dr.
Alexander Fletcher was engaged to deliver the sermon to the children in Surrey
Chapel, Rowland Hill’s church. But he was taken ill, and Spurgeon preached in
his place. Spurgeon consented on one condition, “Yes I will, if you will allow
the children to sing, ‘God Works in Mysterious Ways.’ I have made a promise
long ago, so that hymn should be sung.” Thus the prophecy came to fruition.
Rowland Hill’s chapel rang out with the hymn and the preaching of Charles
Spurgeon. Spurgeon said, “My emotions on that occasion I cannot describe, for
the word of the Lord’s servant was fulfilled.” – taken from Spurgeon: Prince of Preachers by Lewis
Drummond (pp. 91-92)
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